Minden Kumplast fautánzatú ABS most a sima fehér árán! 

Csak 2024. október 31-ig




Please allow me to greet you on our new web page!

Before your obtained any specific information you might be interested in, please allow us to introduce you to the history of our company. Certainly you have heard about Duna Élfurnér Kft. which was market leader in manufacturing and distribution of furniture edging materials till its change in summer of 2004. In 2004 the management of the company decided to separate the two main divisions of Heitz (Duna Élfurnér Kft.):  manufacturing of edgings and trade of imported edgings. Since members of the management team fostered good relationship with leaders of Magyar Lakk Kft., a company showing stable outstanding results in its business segment, trading division of Heitz was offered to Magyar Lakk for sale. Magyar Lakk considered the deal a good investment opportunity because their original business portfolio lay not so far away from trading of edgings. In 2004 Duna Élzáró Kft. Has begun a new life, a life I have been leading sine then.

Each company has a vision. The vision does not only capture the essence and goals of the company, but also the values which are created for customers. Our aim si formulated in the slogan of our company: “Quantity on the edge”. It is highly important for us that our partners always receive the best quantity in connection with product range and services. I believe that in the present market this is the only way we can keep our successful position.

I hope that you will be satisfied with the quality of our renewed homepage and hope that the information listed will ease your choice on the quality, which put you ”on the edge”.

To this I wish you every success and best on behalf or me and my colleagues.

Best regards,  


Dr. Béla Norbert Nagy
